HiPIMS Today, 25 – 27/1/2022, on-line
On January 25 -27, 2022, an online workshop Recent Developments in High-Power Impulse Magnetron Sputtering will be organized. It will deal with recent development of high-power impulse magnetron sputtering (HiPIMS). It will provide a networking environment with oral presentations, poster presentations and exhibits. The virtual platform will allow everybody to interact with the invited speakers and all other participants of the workshop.
One of the invited talks will be presented by Dr. Jiri Rezek from the University of West Bohemia (Plzen, Czech Republic) and will be dedicated to the Switch2Save topic: “Transfer of the sputter technique for deposition of strongly thermochromic VO2-based coatings on ultrathin flexible glass to large-scale roll-to-roll device”.
To learn more about the workshop, visit: https://www.hipims.today/.