Workshop: Off-Site Plug-and-Play Prefab Systems, 6 – 9/9/2022, Nice, France & on-line

Current building renovation processes are time consuming, expensive and often unattractive to owners due to disturbance. The need for lowering renovation time and cost can be readily achieved via off-site prefabrication. Furthermore, since the envelope is the main interface between buildings’ occupants and the outside, it is important to regulate energy gains and losses across it. Low cost, low weight, environmentally friendly insulation, compliant with local fire and structural regulations in the form of prefabricated opaque panels and/or Insulating Glass Units can be used for fast and reliable renovation. Limitations of the existing systems could be overcome by switching from ‘static’ to ‘responsive’ and ‘dynamic’ systems.
Hybrid “Plug-and-play” prefabricated envelop systems, that not only regulate energy gains and losses across the envelop but also actively interface with the building, integrating renewable energy production systems and storage technologies. They can ensure NZEB status after renovation and take into account occupant comfort requirements. They can be either opaque or transparent (glazing) systems such as windows, glass facades and glass roof elements.
The five projects that take part in the workshop develop such hybrid Plug-and-Play systems. They come together to exchange experiences and map the technological challenges for the adoption of the developed technologies. The Workshop is structured around three topics:
- Overview of the technological developments achieved in each project;
- Based on the project developments group active-passive-hybrid technologies in terms of their technical characteristics;
- Use the technology mapping to assess the technology potential to contribute towards NZEB and positive energy targets.
Workshop Chair: Maria Founti, NTUA ( National Technical University of Athens )
Projects Include:
From the call LC-EEB-04-2020:- Industrialisation of building envelope kits for the renovation market:
- INFINITE – Industrialised durable building envelope retrofitting by all-in-one interconnected technology solutions
- PLURAL – Plug-and-Use renovation with adaptable lightweight systems
- ENSNARE – ENvelope meSh aNd digitAl framework for building Renovation
From the call LC-EEB-01-2019: Integration of energy smart materials in non-residential buildings
- POWERSKIN+ – Highly advanced modular integration of insulation, energising and storage systems for non-residential buildings
- SWITCH2SAVE – Lightweight switchable smart solutions for energy saving large windows and glass facades
H2020-LC-SC3-EE-2018: Decarbonisation of the EU building stock: innovative approaches and affordable solutions changing the market for buildings renovation
- StepUP – Solutions and Technologies for deep Energy renovation Processes UPtake
Duration: 90 min – hybrid meeting
- PROJECT PRESENTATIONS: Short presentation (5 min) of the technologies and solutions developed in the frame of the participating projects (e.g. presentations by Project Coordinators) ( 30 min )
- MAPPING and “CLUSTERING” OF TECHNOLOGIES DEVELOPED IN THE PROJECTS: Open roundtable discussion based on the project developments and experience gained with the aim to cluster/group active-passive-hybrid technologies in terms of their technical characteristics and application target. Examples of topics to be discussed ( 30 min )
- Typologies of “Plug-and-Play” hybrid systems (both opaque and transparent systems) based on passive and active systems and technologies that fulfill multifunctional and off-site prefabrication requirements.
- Control/automation/IoT interactive systems collaborating with the Plug-and-Play hybrid technologies towards fulfilling energy, comfort and safety requirements.
- TOWARDS NZEB: Which technologies can contribute to the NZEB / Positive Energy targets? Can we achieve energy positive deeply renovated residential buildings with Plug-and-Play hybrid systems?
- Challenges and threats: OPEN questions (such as safety, standardization, manufacturing, business models, market)
- Demonstration projects: Restrictions and guidelines for the installation and post-project maintenance of “Plug-and-Play” solutions; case studies from participating projects.
More information available at: