Novel approaches to building envelopes designs: smart plug and play systems | 20/10/2022 | on-line

Today, cost effective and environmentally friendly approaches represent a must when designing / renovating building envelopes. Newly developed smart plug and play envelope systems are reacting to these latest requirements by offering low cost solution with energy demand reduction, which contributes to sustainable use of natural resources and meets European climate targets.

The workshop featured examples of these novel approaches looking at them from the research & development as well as industrial and commercial perspectives.

Workshop topics:

  • The role of smart windows in EU’s Energy Efficient Buildings Strategy
  • Different approaches towards smart building envelopes designs – Examples of EU funded projects (Switch2Save, PLURAL, POWERSKIN+)
  • How to bring innovative technologies to the market – Climate smart and cost-effective glass
  • Challenges of smart plug and play systems from the industrial perspective
  • Round table discussion
  • Switch2Save Architectural Design Competition launch

Presentation recordings

The role of smart windows in EU's EEB Strategy

John Fahlteich - KETMarket
Presentation file download

PLURAL project

Maria Founti - NTUA
Presentation file download

PowerSkin+ project

Jorge Corker - IPN

Climate smart and cost-effective glass

Frederik Fränding - ChromoGenics
Presentation file download

Challenges and advantages of upgrading facades with EC glass

Fredrik Bjälkensäter - Fasadglas, Johnny Engfeldt - ChromoGenics
Presentation file download

Switch2Save Architectural Design Competition launch

Sara Van Rompaey - E2ARC
Presentation file download

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement n°869929, project Switch2Save.