Switch2Save Architectural Design Contest is announcing its winners!
Switch2Save Architectural Design Contest, that was launched in October 2022, is announcing its winners!
After more than 10 registrations, 3 designs were submitted and evaluated as finalists. Expert judges evaluated the designs based on – Design concept: qualitative and successful aesthetic integration of the IGUs & level of innovation, Energy Savings, Exploitation of Switch2Save EC/TC smart functionalities & Replicability of the approach and Addressing user comfort.
The jury consisted of: Dr. Matthias Fahland – Fraunhofer FEP, Prof. Maria Founti – School of Mechanical Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Arch. Sara Van Rompaey – E2ARC, Greger Gregard, Chromogenics AB, Dr. Hans Svärd – FASADGLAS BÄCKLIN AB and Dr. John Fahlteich – KETMarket. All submissions were judged anonymously, and anonymity was maintained until the jury reached the final decision.
The 1st prize is awarded to a project called Smart Stores prepared by Mojdeh Sabeti and Mine Elhatip from the Politecnico di Torino. The 2nd prize goes to project Ghameleome submitted by Eleonora Rubinacci from the Université Libre de Bruxelles.
The prize ceremony will take place as part of the Switch2Save final workshop 20/9 in Athens, Greece.
The competition prizes include 1000 euros for the first prize and 500 euros for the second prize as well as the possibility for winners to present their winning projects during the prize ceremony.
Congratulations to the winners, enjoy your prizes and see you in Athens!

Take a look at our news & events section to know more about the final workshop!